Marlborough Democratic City Committee (MDCC)
Marlborough, Massachusetts
The Marlborough Democratic City Committee (MDCC) is your local arm of the Democratic Party here in Marlborough, Massachusetts. The MDCC supports regional, state, and national Democratic candidates.
We are chartered by the Massachusetts Democratic Party and our activities are governed by these Bylaws. Scroll down to read more about Membership in the MDCC.
Get Informed
Learn more about issues and candidates by attending monthly MDCC meetings and other local events. Attend a meeting or forum and ask a candidate, public official, or MDCC members what’s on your mind.
If you have any suggestions for specific speakers or topics you’d like to hear more about, please contact us.
Get Involved
There are many ways to get involved with the Democratic Party, from participating in local and state elections, to volunteering for national candidates as well as helping the Democratic City Committee with its own work. Read more about getting involved.
Here are some activities our members engage in:
Hosting forums where voters have the opportunity to discuss important issues and interact directly with candidates
Encouraging voter registration and participation in town events
Supporting Democratic candidates by educating fellow Marlborough residents through informal discussions, distributing campaign literature and sign-holding visibility events
Organizing caucuses through which Democrat voters in Marlborough elect delegates to the Massachusetts State Democratic Convention
Being involved in fundraising events to support the MDCC , which often include opportunities to donate to local organization such as the Marlborough Food Pantry
Keeping the MDCC organized by staffing committees, maintaining this website and our Facebook page
If you’d like to find out about membership or volunteer for any of the above activities, please talk with us at a meeting or contact us.
The MDCC consists of up to 245 members, up to 35 members for each of our seven wards, and an unlimited number of associate members.
Members must be (1) registered Democrats and (2) residents of Marlborough. The Committee is elected by the public every 4 years in the Democratic Presidential Primary. When vacancies occur, positions may be filled by vote of the Committee. Citizens may also choose to participate as associate members. There are suggested annual dues, currently $25. The dues are used exclusively by the MDCC and are not used to support particular candidates or the state or national organizations.
Our Officers are chosen by our members.
Many people become a member by first attending meetings to see if they are interested in becoming a member. If they are, they can usually be enrolled as a member after the meeting. Please contact us if you have any questions.